Sunday, January 14, 2007

a black appearance on the TV channel we the people

part of the truth as told by the gal.

"five years back -2--- i was attacked and harassed online by someone i didnt know and i am afraid of him even now for if the monitor flickers i think its him."

she knows yet cant say becos she will be killed if she says his name

for the same person who attacked him is also remotely accessing this screen and watching me type for i know him through love and for also i know he is the signal for war for is(nt) har yana a prosperous state and i know it had many high ways which were created by truth (satyam) which were the main place to browse the internet i way way back in 2000.

when the true war takes people no one will want to involve themselves including the media unless a gal comes out and speaks the truth.

thus lies the state of war of 1 battle fought between someone-godaher who said to ginal - the signal of war and villian" i will chat you to death" when ginal had said " i will hack you to death".

this battle cost many peoples lives and many peoples fates for isnt one of them the terminator =the hacker and creator of evil -ginal and for isnt godaher someone who before this war began had gone to his god father =lord balaji and known that his ambition wasnt to wash tea cups-taipan=check chinese meaning but to ride the bike called shogun -check japanese meaning and one who was about to control nature and the world around him through a technique called embedded intuition.

the first casaualty were the cyber cafe owners at water tank and 3rd st owners.

the second casualty was godahers college studies and his handwriting.

the most important casualty was the fact that 2 lovers could not meet yet be in love.

why is this important to the superstar -his film on ba ba -father bombed at the same time it happenened.

why is it important to 911 - he had to sell his soul to gain access to freedom becos he was being hunted and the country that was shielding him said he is no longer welcome.

why is it important to henry gates - for all evil eyes came up on his dream -long horn due to the fortunate article he was featured in.

This was how a god son tried to beat the mighthy at thier own game - for when people every told that they wanted to be like bill he said he wanted to beat bill and he did at the cost of his love-that is godaher is 1 sentence.


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